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Soon thereafter I went to what was called 'work' which wasn't really like work as the it's described to me by humans. I got to play with cancer patients all day that were so happy to see me. This is me riding to work after I gained some weight, and a pic of me fooling them into giving me degree from good doggy school.
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Turns out Dad wanted a change in paths with work and we stopped going to work on and every day basis. He came up with this big idea of getting an RV and traveling the whole country. I was skeptical until it showed up in the driveway. Then we decided we are going to raise awareness for people that don't know how awesome rescue dogs are and get some of my doggy friends forever homes too!
I don't understand why I was beaten, starved and thrown on the side of the rode left for dead, but I never gave up hope. If you look deep into my eye when I was first able to open it you'll see the never ending love within. I want to play, be loved and give love!
My name is Ginger. I am a rescue dog that got a second chance. I'm going to get into the coolest rolling dog house me or any of my doggy friends ever saw and head out across the whole big, wide country. These are the adventure of Ginger.....come on along!